Donnerstag, 27. Januar 2011


Das Ski- und Snowboardlehrertraining in Kanada ist spitze.
4 mal in der Woche versuchen wir zw. 8 und 9am am Skilehrer-
und 4 mal die Woche am Snowboardlehrertraining zw. 1.40 - 3.30pm teil zu nehmen.
neue Anregungen, neue Ideen, Technikänderungen, ...

Montag, 10. Januar 2011

Christmas and New Years Time

Dear family and friends!

After a couple of very busy weeks we finally have some time to update our website.
First of all we would like to thank you for all your Christmas and New Years wishes, for all the postcards and packages we got. Everything arrived in good order and we enjoy the Stollen and Christmas cakes a lot! From the Netherlands (from Sinterklaas) we got chocolate capital letters, we will enjoy them soon!
This week is again very cold, we just arrived back home with frozen feet and fingers. After two hours you really need to find a place inside to warm up for the next run. The temperature dropped to -20°C / -25°C, and with the windchill it feels even colder. The slopes are really empty, so a real business killer for Sun Peaks Resort, although the bars do a good job at the moment.

We celebrated Christmas and New Years here in Sun Peaks Resort, the two busiest week until now. Christmaseve we worked till 11 pm and after a drink (Eggnog, a bit like Eierlikor or advocaat) in the Lodge we went with some of the colleagues to one of the bars. Our landlords did invite us for their Christmas dinner so on the 26th we enjoyed the left overs from their nice turkey dinner. Norman had an extra job on Christmas eve (24th) at our boss’s house as Santa Claus. He dressed up another time for our landlords visit on the 26th. They really enjoyed this and we had a great night with different games; we learned a new Canadian game asshole.
New Years eve we also spend working and 10 minutes to 12 everybody finished working and we celebrated with our colleagues.
Here a couple of impressions from our Christmas time in Sun Peaks!

Nutknacker spotted in the Delta Hotel bar: unfortunately made in China.

Norman and Angela in between some decorated Christmas trees. A very new experience for us, but while riding on the slopes you will pass about 20 decorated trees throughout the resort. Families and schoolchildren like to decorate, lets see what happens with the decoration over the coming weeks!

On of our cooks, Markus Prasmo, did build a Gingerbread house for Christmas time. Excellent work and tastes delicious! 

Just short about our new jobs. I think we already told that Angela works in the kitchen and Norman does the laundry. Angela was hired to do the dishes but changed her position to prep cook. She prepares all the salats and deserts. Very nice learning experience and she enjoys her job in the kitchen, with only men, a lot.
On the picture you see Angela and Dalton, one of the cooks, from Australia.
Norman made his new nickname: the Laundrybitch (of course in a positive way). He enjoys his work with his new buddies: Jack and Sam the two wasching machines and Herbert und Heinz, the two dryers. They all speak English very well and one good thing is: there is a button to shut them down!
The kitchen staff gives him a hard time by dropping all their dirty kitchen outfit, and Norman has to wash them AND iron them!
Our job in the skischool also gave us some work already. The first teaching experiences with kids and adults on ski and snowboard made us a lot of fun.
The Canadian Curriculum is not comparable with the Austrian and German way of teaching.

The following pictures show some nature impressions
Sometimes you feel like lost in the trees.
But we also have some time for relaxing.
The picture shows Norman in our comfortable chair. Behind Norman, on the wall, you see all the Christmas and Birthday wishes.

We hope you all made a good start in the New Year.
Happy 2011!