Hallo Zusammen,
Sorry für unsere schreibfaulen letzten Monate!
Es war einfach so schön, dass wir keine Zeit hatten!
Seit Ende Juli konnten wir uns bereits wieder an den deutschen Alltag gewöhnen.
Es hat gut geklappt auch wenn es am Anfang garnicht so leicht gewesen ist.
Wir stehen beide wieder voll im Berufsleben und stellen bereits fest, dass der Jahresurlaub vorn und hinten nicht reicht ;-)
Wir wünschen allen ein besinnliches Weihnachtsfest und einen schneereichen Rutsch ins Jahr 2013.
Angie und Norman
Mittwoch, 7. November 2012
Montag, 5. März 2012
Fernie, BC Wintertime
It is a great place to be,
Watch it and you will see!
Watch it and you will see!
Life in Fernie :-)
Island Lake in der Naehe von Fernie |
Wanderung, im Hintergrund die drei Schwestern bei Fernie |
The Beaver Lodge Chalet, Saeuberungsarbeiten vor dem Winter |
Angela and Digger above Fernie |
Wir zwei in der Naehe von Fernie |
Norman in the Camper, Good Morning! |
Our Car, Boat and Camper, ok it's only our car but we lived for some weeks in the camper. |
I love Christmas! |
Loic, friend from Munich visit us, on Mount Fernie |
Die Elk Jagd von Kirk war erfolgreich |
Lilly und Digger die zwei Lawinenhunde von Kirk und Jenny |
Seit Mitte August wohnen wir in Fernie, BC.
Die Bilder zeigen die Umgebung und das Umfeld in dem wir leben.
Diesen Winter betreuen wir fuer Jenny und Kirk die Bett und Fruehstuecks Unterkunft
"The Beaver Lodge Chalet" http://www.beaverlodgechalet.com
Des Weiteren arbeitet Angela als Lehrerin in der Fernie Academy und Norman in dem Sportgeschaeft The Guides Hut.
Summer 2011 / Easter Seals Camp Horizon / Ropes and Recreation Counselor
Hallo ihr lieben Leut, der Sommer 2011 als Camp Counselor war eine Charakter praegende Erfahrung. Die Arbeit im Camp, die Camperbetreuung, die Tagesablaeufe und die Freizeitgestaltung waren jeden Tag abwechslungsreich, ereignissreich und voller Inspiration.
(geniesst die beigefuegten Bilder des Camp Sommers)
Hallo allemaal, we zijn een beetje laat met onze post maar hier nog een paar fotos om van te genieten van afgelopen zomer. Het was een verrijkende ervaring om als campcounselor in het Easter Seals Camp Horizon te werken. Elke dag was een afwisseling en om elke dag weer iets nieuws te leren; campers verzorgen, verschillende aktiviteiten en uitdagingen, oplossingen vinden om voor elke camper een inclusiefe mogelijkheid te bieden! Te veel om in woorden uit te leggen maar een echte uitdaging voor ons beide!
Banded Peak Challenge with Elisa |
Rafting |
Rafting on the Red Deer River |
Bridge Jump at the end of the Rafttour |
High Ropes Course at Camp Horizon |
Our neighbourhood and the dutch garden |
Hike close to Canmore |
Our Little Friend |
He buddy Bob the Bear |
Christmas Letter
Merry Christmas and Happy 2012
Our year 2011 started good and well of in Sun Peaks, were we worked the winter season for the resort. Our second jobs in Canada, after working in the Ginseng farm in Kamloops for the months October and November. On the mountain we were both employed at the Sun Peaks Lodge, Norman doing the laundry and Angie in the kitchen.
It was great to have a part time position in the ski school as well!! Thanks to Ian Logan for all his good inspirations during all the training sessions. That gave us a very good idea of how skiing is educated in Canada. The winter would not go and when we left in April there was still tons of snow left.
After Sun peaks we took a little time for a short road trip. It first took us to Banff, a very cosy town. The next 5 days we spend in Edmonton with our Tour Guide Don Vinge!! Thanks Don, we had a wonderful time with you. Don showed us Edmonton in one day by car, he took us to some museums and guess what…to the Oper! Tosca was our first oper in Canada and a great experience.
After Edmonton we drove over the pass to Jasper and skied Marmot Basin for a day. After it was cloudy for the biggest part of the day, the sun came through at our last run and gave us a better picture of the hill.
We drove via Highway 5 back to Kamloops, finally seeing some fresh greens here and there. There were although still lots of snowmobilers enjoying the rest of the snow.
Our next stop was on the way to Vancouver at a friends Horse ranch. Donna, with who we worked in the Ginseng farm, has a few horses and a big barn for riding. We spend the day helping feeding the horses, giving some medication and cleaning out stalls.
We although had to continue to arrive in Vancouver on time. We met up with Courtenay and Thomas and Meg and Dave and spend Easter with them. Seeing a bit more of Vancouver and spending Easter with these wonderful friends.
Of course our weekend was all planned. We were able to meet up with Robyn, Jim and Mitchell, our landlords from Sun Peaks. Another good Easter dinner and this time we saw things from above! Jim took us out in his plane! From Boundary Bay Airport, to Squamish, Whistler, Pemberton, Harrison Lake and Chilliwack back to the Airport. Thanks Jim and Robyn for the fantastic winter season, and hope you are having another great winter in Sun Peaks!
From Vancouver we went back to Kamloops to pick up our bags and drove to Easter Seals Camp for the first time to drop of some luggage. With our climbing gear we drove to Penticton, to go climbing at the Skaha Bluffs. We had beautiful weather on the way, the first real spring feelings in Creston. It was a lovely drive, taking the ferry over Kootenay Lake to Nelson and through the area where lots of wine grows. Climbing was great! After this short holiday it was time for a new adventure!
And we both think this was THE experience of the summer: Easter Seals Camp Horizon. Julie and Brandon hired us as the Ropes and Recreation / Counseling team were we instructed all campers on climbing wall, giant swing, high ropes and accessible high ropes. How great to give these campers (children and adults) some of the best moments of their year. And for most of the campers the only week in the year that they can really be THEM!!! Thanks Anna, Brandon, Julie, Blaine, Adam and the rest of the awesome summer staff for this wonderful summer experience. Bragg Creek is a very beautiful place on earth and during our bits of free time we explored lots of the area, hiking, and running, mountain biking and climbing! A very great event was the Banded Peak Challenge, were we took Elisa in the Trailrider up the Banded Peak. Thanks to all the sponsors that donated some money!
After the summer ou next destination was Fernie. Also here we have been very lucky to meet all these wonderful people. Don and Regina, thanks for all the help and support. You guys are always great company and we hope to have a lovely winter with you.
Via another contact in Bragg Creek we got to know Jenny and Kirk, were we will be staying the winter time, working in their Beaverlodge! These two great personalities have many of the same interest. Their son Tucker keeps us fit with racing around and hiding in his little fort! Great to see him growing up and developing all new skills! We also have two new dog-friends, Lily and Digger.
Wait a second…we have more than two dog-friends in Fernie! We spend lots of time with Jake (Don and Regina’s dog) and in November we stayed with Louis (Lynn and Marcelin’s dog). Nice long walks made us very familiar with the great outdoors around Fernie.
The months of September and October we renovated a house that Jenny and Kirk bought and could just finish it before 4 young people moved in per November.
We already had a good dump of snow so we both look forward to have our first runs on the hill.
Christmas will be probably busy; the Bed and Breakfast will be full of guests! So Christmas will be celebrated here in Fernie. We know that Easter Seals Camp has their yearly Christmas camp, but we might not be able to go there this winter.
I hope everybody is so far healthy and fit and will continue this in the New Year. We are not sure what we will experience in 2012 yet. We of course hope that everything will work out with our visa, so we can stay and work the winter in Canada. Next year summer we will be probably heading back to Europe, to see our families and maybe settle down for a few years. But there are still lots of adventures waiting for us here in Canada, so we hope to be able to travel before heading back.
We have not been sending out lots of messages at all times, sorry for that. But we definitely talk and think a lot about all the wonderful time we spend with you guys.
Thanks for all the great moments and thoughts and we hope to stay in touch in the future!
Merry Christmas ~ Froehliche Weihnachten ~ Vrolijk Kerstfeest
Angela & Norman
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